

31 Oct 2014

Launching of the Up-skilling Europe project: A stepping stone towards a fully inclusive European society

In 2012, 124,5 million people (24,8% of the population) in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared with 24,3% in 2011 and 23,7% in 2008 (Eurostat news release 184/2013 5.12.2013). In this context, the Up-skilling Europe project aims at improving the employability of adults at risk of social exclusion across Europe through a process of developing and updating skills.

To achieve this, six organisations from six European countries have joined forces to develop educational materials tailored to the specific needs of adults at risk of social exclusion.

The project will be executed by a cross-sectoral partnership led by the Alcalá de Guadaíra City Council - a Spanish public authority jointly with:

  • Adult education providers:  Interactive English Language School (United Kingdom) and SIKXGNL (Greece) - two organisations specialised in language teaching, and Media Partners (Romania) - a private company specialised in social entrepreneurship.
  • Social sector organisations: Stowarzyszenie Wiosna and Cantiere Giovani - two NGOs from Poland and Italy.
Throughout the project, the educational materials developed by partners will take the form of 5 toolkits to provide adults at risk of social exclusion with a set of basic and transversal skills which will improve their employability:

1. Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurship education.
2. Toolkit for English teaching.
3. Toolkit for ICT training.
4. Toolkit for Lifelong learning.
5. Toolkit for Learning mobility.

This project, co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, will be a stepping stone towards a fully inclusive European society where every European citizen has access to high quality education and employment.