

12 Jun 2016

Successful fourth transnational meeting of the “Up-skilling Europe” project

From 4th to 8th June took place the fourth transnational meeting of the “Up-skilling Europe” project in Larisa (Greece). Delegates from the six partners of the project attended the meeting: the City Council of Alcalá de Guadaíra (Spain), Interactive English Language School (United Kingdom), SIKXGNL (Greece), Stowarzyszenie Wiosna (Poland), Cantiere Giovani (Italy) and Media Partners (Romania).

The objective of the project is to improve the employability of adults at risk of social exclusion across Europe through a process of developing and updating skills. To achieve this, the project partners have been working since September 2014 on the development of five toolkits:

1. Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurship education.
2. Toolkit for ICT training.
3. Toolkit for English teaching.
4. Toolkit for Lifelong learning.
5. Toolkit for Learning mobility.
The meeting in Larisa was the last one of the project. During the meeting the partners planned the last activity of the project: the dissemination of the results. Between the mid of June and the end of August, the partners will organise several dissemination events in the six countries represented in the project. The objective of these events is to introduce adults educators across Europe to the use of the toolkits.

The toolkits will be published in six European languages (English, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish) on the project website for free use and re-purposing by any interested party as OER (Open Educational Resources).

This project, co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, will be a stepping stone towards a fully inclusive European society where every European citizen has access to high quality education and employment.